Advice for the (Democratic) Fearful   (Published: 15 July 2024)
Despite the Media Whores’ attempts to bothsides the violence of the weekend, the political calculus of this election has not changed. Not one bit.

Cry, the Unserious Country   (Published: 05 July 2024)
The bored reaction to the incredible power grab from the Supreme Court doesn’t even merit the “this is fine” dog meme.

The Other Day of Infamy   (Published: 06 January 2024)
Three years later, and there is no real justice, no concern, no understanding of the full scope of what happened.

Why You Still Here?   (Published: 30 July 2023)
The Twitter platform is garbage, and its alleged rivals have proven to be severely wanting.

The YouTube Bruh Thing   (Published: 23 July 2023)
You watch one video on YouTube and the algorithms assume a life of their own.

Supremely Corrupted, Supremely Unchecked   (Published: 04 July 2023)
Fundamental rights have been taken away from half the population and they are not done with us yet.

Beggars to Our Own Demise   (Published: 21 May 2023)
The electoral decks are being stacked against us, in plain sight, by people who do not care about how it looks and are reveling in their abuse.

As Corrupt as They Wanna Be   (Published: 08 April 2023)
You know what one of the perks of being an unelected, lifetime Supreme Court judge is? No consequences for anything.

A Eunuch for All Seasons   (Published: 13 March 2023)
Out of all the despicable people from the administration of Biden's predecessor, Mike Pence is the one who offends me the most.

The Arrogance of Inevitability   (Published: 04 November 2022)
It is not that Democrats won’t lose any seats in the upcoming midterms, but there is something off about the narrative of GOP inevitability.

The Ghost of 2016   (Published: 03 November 2022)
Everyone is holding their breath about the 2022 midterms, but our Media Glitterati seemed to have decided the contest before it’s even over.

Things Fall Apart   (Published: 04 July 2022)
July 4, 2022 reflects an Independence Day where half of the population has lost a constitutional right to privacy.

The Great Hanger Reboot    (Published: 08 May 2022)
Overturning of Roe v Wade will effect half of the population right out of the gate, but half of *them* probably won’t care too much.

A European Failure   (Published: 03 April 2022)
“Never again” is the emptiest phrase that should be banished in every language, to be replaced by “wait until next time.”

Watching Canada Fold   (Published: 09 February 2022)
If I were associated with those truckers in Ottawa, there should be a victory lap going on.