08 February 2025 | Revoking Credibility

If you need any more proof that the Media Whores are useless, just count how many outlets, includingthe vaunted BBC, keep repeating that the Felon “revoked the security clearance” of Biden.

Presidents do not have have security clearances, so there is nothing to revoke. But they keep lying about such a thing, or at worse, they mislead their audiences with click bait, and in any case, why trust them with anything else? This little, obscure blog has been warning for years that the driving force of our Media Glitterati is access, not facts, but cloaked in self-serving proclamations about how indispensible a free press is to a democracy.

When you’re following the Les Moonves Principle to the letter, though, you haven’t any credibility, and these latest headlines underscore that.