22 December 2017 | Quick and Decisive


Although nobody asked me, I told a friend of mine that while some Democrats are regretting their quick demands that Al Franken retire based on allegations against him instead of waiting for a full ethics investigation, it actually might work in the favor of the party overall.

Since the personal is political, it's not terribly difficult to look at the optics of the allegations and how they play out for Democrats. Sure, some of the holier-than-thou types will try to simply look at this as a *moral* issue, but there is a political calculation you need to consider.

And what is that? As I quickly explained to my friend, the Democrats' rapid demand that someone accused of impropriety get out will be seen as being decisive. Even if you're not inclined to support them, people will remember Democrats as not tolerating any of it. Contrast that, as the graphic above does, with Republicans who are (rightly) seen as being too slow on the issue, and they definitely have bigger problems, including their support of alleged pedophile Roy Moore. In fact, it will sink in for some people that Democrats will believe an accuser while Republicans will attack the accuser. Despite one's affiliation, that doesn't sit will with many people, and they will remember it.

(Note: I am aware of the issue of Bob Menendez, the senator from New Jersey and his mistrial on corruption, but that's been overshadowed by what many people consider a greater problem, that of alleged sexual assault. Whether or not Democrats urge him out the door remains to be seen.)

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