18 January 2017 | Goodbye, Public Lands

People continue to just bumble on, as if nothing horrible is going to happen.

Because "it will all work out in the end" is the thinking.

I wonder if they'll still think that, when, oh, let's say the infrastructure of maintaining public lands has been so altered that they can't go back to the ante status quo. And I wonder if they'll feel a twinge of regret at the public lands officials (BLM and others) who were treated like garbage and considered the enemy. Because fairly soon, you will need a permit from a developer to cross their leased lands and all the former stewards have been chased away. (Or now have become employees of some corporation because BLM and others were phased out of existence through non-funding.)

Then again, probably not because people do not care about anything.

Update, 19 Jan:
Well, looks like I was right about this: Congress moves to give away national lands, discounting billions in revenue

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